Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tools to Enhance Teacher Effectiveness

I am convinced teachers wake up everyday and come to school to do the best possible job they can.  What has got me wondering in the last year or so is how can we be more transparent and give clarity to what 'great' teachers do.  How do we move good teaching practice to great teaching practice?  We have learnt huge amounts from professional learning and readings in recent years such as Assessment for Learning PD (ATOL, AFL) and 'The Best Evidence Synthesis'.  These learnings have been significantly influential in developing a one page continuum incorporating both teaching responsibilities and teaching practice.  The indicators are deliberately on a continuum not a matrix.  The purpose of the tool is to stimulate reflection, dialogue and form the basis of goal setting - we are reluctant to box people.   We want to flag how am I going?, where am I going? and where to next steps for teacher learners.   
In using the tool for the first time today with teachers I think we are headed in the right direction.  The key from here is to ensure that the use of the tool is formative, ongoing and not an event.  

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